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Allow for cohort-based course management

Created on Thursday 5 November 2020, 10:06

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  • ID
  • Project
    Metabolism of Cities Education Hub
  • Status
  • Priority
  • Type
    Programming work
  • Tags
    Spanish course: data processing
  • Assigned to
    No one yet
  • Subscribers
    Paul Hoekman

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At the moment, we consider each course to have just a single list of people participating in the course. That works well if the course is perpetually open and there is no specific start or end date (e.g. with the policy makers course). However, for some courses we run specific online courses that have a set start and end date, with online support sessions and a specific cohort registered for that course. We should better prepare the system so that we can manage these cohorts. Some things that should be done:

  • The PARTICIPANT LIST where people can see their peers should only include those of THAT cohort, not all

  • We can "open" and "close" the course (and registration etc) for that particular cohort

  • We should be able to email just the segmented cohort instead of the group as a whole

  • Each cohort can have a specific name (for instance the data collection course for African cities)

  • We should have a cohort-specific page where we can share e.g. the class schedule and login URLs for the calls

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