Your search yielded 94 results.
Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Material Metabolism of Infrastructure on an Inhabited Island: Resource Flow and Stock Growth | Journal Article | Guo et al. Guo, Zhen and Feng, Aiping and Zhang, Zhiwei and Zhang, Peidong and Ning, Huanshan and Zhuang, Yunling | 2024 |
The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development | Journal Article | Martin del Campo et al. Martin del Campo, Francisco and Singh, Simron Jit and Fishman, Tomer and Thomas, Adelle and Drescher, Michael | 2023 |
The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development. | Journal Article | Martin del Campo et al. Martin del Campo, Francisco and Singh, Simron and Fishman, Tomer and Thomas, Adelle and Drescher, Michael | 2023 |
3D GIS Modelling of Road and Building Material Stocks: A Case Study of Grenada | Thesis | Lingfei Ye Ye, Lingfei | 2022 |
Determining the material intensities of buildings selected by random sampling: A case study from Vienna | Journal Article | Lederer et al. Lederer, Jakob and Fellner, Johann and Gassner, Andreas and Gruhler, Karin and Schiller, Georg | 2021 |
A spatiotemporal urban metabolism model for the Canberra suburb of Braddon in Australia | Journal Article | Schandl et al. Heinz Schandl; Raymundo Marcos-Martinez; Tim Baynes; Zefan Yu; Alessio Miatto; Hiroki Tanikawa | 2020 |
GIS-Based Material Stock Analysis (MSA) of Climate Vulnerabilities to the Tourism Industry in Antigua and Barbuda | Journal Article | Bradshaw et al. Bradshaw, Johnella and Jit Singh, Simron and Tan, Su-Yin and Fishman, Tomer and Pott, Kristen | 2020 |
GIS-based Material Stock Analysis (MSA) of Climate Vulnerabilities to the Tourism Industry in Antigua and Barbuda | Journal Article | Bradshaw et al. Bradshaw, Johnella and Singh, Simron Jit and Tan, Su-Yin and Fishman, Tomer and Pott, Kristen | 2020 |
Lost Material Stock in Buildings due to Sea Level Rise from Global Warming: The Case of Fiji Islands | Journal Article | Merschroth et al. Merschroth, Simon and Miatto, Alessio and Weyand, Steffi and Tanikawa, Hiroki and Schebek, Liselotte | 2020 |
The weight of islands: Leveraging Grenada's material stocks to adapt to climate change | Journal Article | Symmes et al. Symmes, Rob and Fishman, Tomer and Telesford, John N. and Singh, Simron J. and Tan, Su-Yin and Kroon, Kristen De | 2020 |
Capture and Control of Material Flows and Stocks in Urban Housing - Based on the Case Study of the Housing Industry in Munich-Freiham | Thesis | Matthias Arnold Heinrich Heinrich, Matthias Arnold | 2019 |
Dynamic assessment of construction materials in urban building stocks – A critical review | Journal Article | Göswein et al. Verena Göswein, José Dinis Silvestre, Guillaume Habert,Fausto Freire | 2019 |
Estimating the Material Stock of Roads: The Vietnamese Case Study | Journal Article | Nguyen et al. Nguyen, Thi Cuc and Fishman, Tomer and Miatto, Alessio and Tanikawa, Hiroki | 2019 |
In-use Product and Steel Stocks Sustaining the Urbanization of Xiamen, China | Journal Article | Song et al. Lulu Song, Chao Zhang, Ji Han & Wei-Qiang Chen | 2019 |
Residential building material stocks and component-level circularity: The case of Singapore | Journal Article | Arora et al. Arora, Mohit and Raspall, Felix and Cheah, Lynette and Silva, Arlindo | 2019 |
Spatial analysis of urban material stock with clustering algorithms: A Northern European case study | Journal Article | Gontia et al. Gontia, Paul; Thuvander, Liane; Ebrahimi, Babak; Vinas, Victor; Rosado, Leonardo; Wallbaum, Holger | 2019 |
Spatially explicit material stock analysis of buildings in Eastern China metropoles | Journal Article | Guo et al. Jing Guo, Alessio Miatto, Feng Shi, Hiroki Tanikawa | 2019 |
The expansion of the built environment, waste generation and EU recycling targets on Samothraki, Greece: An island’s dilemma | Journal Article | Noll et al. Noll, Dominik and Wiedenhofer, Dominik and Miatto, Alessio and Singh, Simron Jit | 2019 |
Material-intensity database of residential buildings: A case-study of Sweden in the international context | Journal Article | Gontia et al. Paul Gontia, Claudio Nägeli, Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova, Magnus Österbring | 2018 |
The Weight of Islands: A GIS based Material Stock Analysis of Grenada in the Context of Extreme Weather and Climate Change | Thesis | Robert Symmes Robert Symmes | 2018 |
The Weight of Islands: A GIS-based material stock analysis of Grenada in the context of extreme weather and climate change | Thesis | Robert Symmes Symmes, Robert | 2018 |
Towards a more circular construction sector: Estimating and spatialising current and future non-structural material replacement flows to maintain urban building stocks | Journal Article | Stephan and Athanassiadis André Stephan and Aristide Athanassiadis | 2018 |
Uncovering the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Infrastructure Development: A High Spatial Resolution Material Stock and Flow Analysis | Journal Article | Han et al. Ji Han, Weiqiang Chen, Lixiao Zhang, Gang Liu | 2018 |
Comparing the material stock of seven cities | Conference Paper | Athanassiadis et al. Aristide Athanassiadis, Vincent Augiseau, Fritz Kleemann, André Stephan, Sabine Barles | 2017 |
Embodied GHGs in a Fast Growing City: Looking at the Evolution of a Dwelling Stock using Structural Element Breakdown and Policy Scenarios: Embodied GHGs in a Fast Growing City | Journal Article | Göswein et al. Verena Göswein, Jonathan Krones, Giulia Celentano, John E. Fernández, Guillaume Habert | 2017 |
Estimating the Potential for Urban Mining in Paris Region | Conference Paper | Vincent Augiseau Sabine Barles Sabine Barles, Vincent Augiseau | 2017 |
Mapping the anthropogenic stock in Germany: Metabolic evidence for a circular economy | Journal Article | Schiller et al. Schiller, Georg and Müller, Felix and Ortlepp, Regine | 2017 |
Material flow analysis of the residential building stock at the city of Rio de Janeiro | Journal Article | Condeixa et al. Condeixa, Karina and Haddad, Assed and Boer, Dieter | 2017 |
Prospecting the Urban Mine of Amsterdam | Report | Voet et al. Ester van der Voet, Ruben Huele, Alexander Koutamanis, Boukje van Reijn, Ellen van Bueren, Job Spiering,Tom Demeyer, Gerard Roemers, Merlijn Blok | 2017 |
Quantifying and mapping embodied environmental requirements of urban building stocks | Journal Article | Stephan and Athanassiadis Stephan, André and Athanassiadis, Aristide | 2017 |
Urbanisation processes as key for analysing construction materials flows and stocks: Paris Region case study | Conference Paper | Sabine Barles Vincent Augiseau Vincent Augiseau, Sabine Barles | 2017 |
Using Material and Energy Flow Analysis to Estimate Future Energy Demand at the City Level | Journal Article | Albelwi et al. Naif Albelwi and Alan Kwan and Yacine Rezgui | 2017 |
A method for determining buildings' material composition prior to demolition | Journal Article | Kleemann et al. Fritz Kleemann, Jakob Lederer, Philipp Aschenbrenner, Helmut Rechberger, Johann Fellner | 2016 |
Estimating Materials Stocked by Land-Use Type in Historic Urban Buildings Using Spatio-Temporal Analytical Tools | Journal Article | Marcellus-Zamora et al. Marcellus-Zamora, Kimberlee A. and Gallagher, Patricia M. and Spatari, Sabrina and Tanikawa, Hiroki | 2016 |
GIS‐based Analysis of Vienna's Material Stock in Buildings | Journal Article | Kleemann et al. Kleemann, Fritz and Lederer, Jakob and Rechberger, Helmut and Fellner, Johann | 2016 |
Modeling of material and energy flows in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy using urban metabolism approaches | Conference Paper | Igor Tereshchenko Gabriela Fernandez Gabriela Fernandez, Igor Tereshchenko | 2016 |
Stochastic Analysis and Forecasts of the Patterns of Speed, Acceleration, and Levels of Material Stock Accumulation in Society | Journal Article | Fishman et al. Tomer Fishman and Heinz Schandl and Hiroki Tanikawa | 2016 |
Studying construction materials flows and stock: A review | Journal Article | Augiseau and Barles Vincent Augiseau and Sabine Barles | 2016 |
Towards more comprehensive urban environmental assessments: exploring the complex relationship between urban and metabolic profiles | Thesis | Aristide Athanassiadis Aristide Athanassiadis | 2016 |
In-use product stocks link manufactured capital to natural capital | Journal Article | Chen and Graedal Wei-Qiang Chen and T.E. Graedal | 2015 |
The Weight of Society Over Time and Space: A Comprehensive Account of the Construction Material Stock of Japan, 1945 – 2010 | Journal Article | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, Hiroki and Fishman, Tomer and Okuoka, Keijiro and Sugimoto, Kenji | 2015 |
The Weight of Society Over Time and Space: A Comprehensive Account of the Construction Material Stock of Japan, 1945–2010 | Journal Article | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, Hiroki and Fishman, Tomer and Okuoka, Keijiro and Sugimoto, Kenji | 2015 |
The ferrous find: Counting iron and steel stocks in China's economy | Journal Article | Wang et al. Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B., and Hashimoto, Senji | 2015 |
The socio-economic drivers of material stock accumulation in Japan's prefectures | Journal Article | Fishman et al. Fishman, Tomer and Schandl, Heinz and Tanikawa, Hiroki | 2015 |
The weight of society over time and space: a comprehensive account of the construction material stock of Japan, 1945-2010 | Journal Article | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, Hiroki and Fishman, Tomer and Okuoka, Keijiro and Sugimoto, Kenji | 2015 |
Toward Social Material Flow Analysis: On the Usefulness of Boundary Objects in Urban Mining Research | Journal Article | Björn Wallsten Wallsten, Björn | 2015 |
Accounting for the Material Stock of Nations | Journal Article | Fishman et al. Fishman, Tomer and Schandl, Heinz and Tanikawa, Hiroki and Walker, Paul and Krausmann, Fridolin | 2014 |
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China | Journal Article | Guo et al. Guo, Zhen and Hu, Dan and Zhang, Fuhua and Huang, Guolong and Xiao, Qiang | 2014 |
Component- and alloy-specific modeling for evaluating aluminium recycling strategies for vehicles | Journal Article | Modarsi et al. Modarsi, Roja, and Løvik, Amund N., and Müller, Daniel B. | 2014 |
Estimates of Lost Material Stock of Buildings and Roads Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami | Journal Article | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, Hiroki and Managi, Shunsuke and Lwin, Cherry Myo | 2014 |
Estimates of Lost Material Stock of Buildings and Roads Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Lost Material Stock Due to Earthquake and Tsunami | Journal Article | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, H; Managi, S; Lwin, C. M. | 2014 |
Exploring urban mines: Pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks | Journal Article | Pauliuk et al. Pauliuk, Stefan, and Govindarajan, Venkatesh, and Bratterbø, Helge, and Müller, Daniel B. | 2014 |
GIS and Urban Mining | Journal Article | Xuan Zhu Zhu, Xuan | 2014 |
Measuring urban ecosystem functions through ‘Technomass'—A novel indicator to assess urban metabolism | Journal Article | Luis Inostroza Inostroza, Luis | 2014 |
The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation | Journal Article | Pauliuk and Müller Pauliuk, Stefan, and Müller, Daniel B. | 2014 |
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of Urban road system in Beijing, China | Journal Article | Guo et al. Zhen Guo, Dan Hu, Fuhua Zhang, Guolong Huang, Qiang Xiao | 2013 |
Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries | Journal Article | Pauliuk et al. Pauliuk, Stefan, and Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B. | 2013 |
The future of mobility and its critical raw materials | Journal Article | Ziemann et al. Ziemann, Saskia, and Grunwald, Armin, and Schebek, Liselotte, and Müller, Daniel B., and Weil, Marcel | 2013 |
Urban Metabolism and the Energy Stored in Cities | Journal Article | Christopher A. Kennedy David N. Bristow David N. Bristow, Christopher A. Kennedy | 2013 |
Urban Mining potential in local power grids: Hibernating copper and aluminium in Linköping | Thesis | Simon Andersson Andersson, Simon | 2013 |
Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design | Book | Baccini and Brunner Peter Baccini and Paul Brunner | 2012 |
Global Rare Earth In-Use Stocks in NdFeB Permanent Magnets | Journal Article | Du and Graedel Du, Xiaoyue and Graedel, T. E. | 2011 |
Patterns of Iron Use in Societal Evolution | Journal Article | Müller et al. Müller, Daniel B. and Wang, Tao and Duval, Benjamin | 2011 |
Urban mining: hibernating copper stocks in local power grids | Journal Article | Krook et al. Krook, Joakim; Carlsson, Annica; Eklund, Mats; Frändegård, Per; Svensson, Niclas | 2011 |
Dynamic Material Flow Analysis for Strategic Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Beijing | Journal Article | Hu et al. Hu, Mingming; van der Voet, Ester; Huppes, Gjalt | 2010 |
Metal Stocks in Society: Scientific Synthesis | Report | TE Graedel Graedel, TE | 2010 |
Aluminum Stock and Flows in U.S. Passenger Vehicles and Implications for Energy Use | Journal Article | Lynette Cheah Lynette Cheah | 2009 |
Caluculation of the in-use stock of materials in urban with nocturnal light image | Conference Paper | Matsuno et al. Matsuno, Yasunari; Takahashi, Kazue Ichino; Adachi, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Jiro; Elvidge, Chris | 2009 |
Combined MFA-LCA for Analysis of Wastewater Pipeline Networks | Journal Article | G. Venkatesh and Brattebø G. Venkatesh, Johanne Hammervold, and Helge Brattebø | 2009 |
Global mapping of Al, Cu, Fe, and Zn in-use stocks and in-ground resources | Journal Article | J.N. Rauch J.N. Rauch | 2009 |
Lead In-Use Stock | Journal Article | Mao and Graedel Mao, Jiansu and Graedel, T. E. | 2009 |
Urban stock over time: spatial material stock analysis using 4d-GIS | Journal Article | Tanikawa and Hashimoto Tanikawa, Hiroki and Hashimoto, Seiji | 2009 |
Detailed assessment of structural characteristics of Turkish RC building stock for loss assessment models | Journal Article | Bal et al. Bal, İ. Engin; Crowley, Helen; Pinho, Rui; Gülay, F. Gülten | 2008 |
Dynamic Modeling of In-Use Cement Stocks in the United States | Journal Article | Amit Kapur Amit Kapur | 2008 |
Exploration of Urban Stocks | Journal Article | Lichtensteiger and Baccini Lichtensteiger, Thomas; Baccini, Peter | 2008 |
In-Use Stocks of Metals: Status and Implications | Journal Article | Gerst and Graedel M. Gerst and T.E. Graedel | 2008 |
Calculation of the 'Net Additions to Stock' Indicator for the Czech Republic Using a Direct Method | Journal Article | Jan Kovanda Jan Kovanda | 2007 |
Copper In-Use Stock and Copper Scrap in the State of Connecticut, USA | Report | Rauch et al. J. Rauch, M. Eckelman, R. Gordon | 2007 |
Copper and zinc recycling in Australia: potential quantities and policy options | Journal Article | Beers et al. D. van Beers, A. Kapur, T.E. Graedel | 2007 |
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock | Journal Article | Bergsdal et al. Bergsdal, Håvard and Brattebø, Helge and Bohne, Rolf A. and Müller, Daniel B. | 2007 |
Metal capital sustaining a North American city: Iron and copper in New Haven, CT | Journal Article | Drakonakis et al. Konstantine Drakonakis, Katherine Rostkowski, Jason Rauch, T.E. Graedel, R.B. Gordon | 2007 |
Spatial characterisation of multi-level in-use copper and zinc stocks in Australia | Journal Article | Beers and Graedel D. van Beers and Thomas E. Graedel | 2007 |
Stock dynamics for forecasting material flows—Case study for housing in The Netherlands | Journal Article | Daniel B. Müller Müller, Daniel B. | 2006 |
The Application of Material Flow Analysis for the Evaluation of the Recovery Potential of Secondary Metals in Australia | Conference Paper | Beers et al. D. van Beers, R. van Berkel, T.E. Graedel | 2005 |
Future Redistribution of Cadmium to Arable Swedish Soils: A Substance Stock Analysis | Journal Article | Sten Karlsson Sten Karlsson | 2004 |
The Magnitude and Spatial Distribution of In-Use Zinc Stocks in Cape Town, South Africa | Journal Article | Beers and Graedel D. van Beers and T.E. Graedel | 2004 |
Visualization of Regional Material Flow using Over-flow Potential Maps | Report | Tanikawa et al. Tanikawa, Hiroki; Sakamoto, Tetsunori; Hashimoto, Seiji; Moriguchi, Yuichi | 2004 |
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of trinket island | Journal Article | Singh and Grünbühel Singh, Simron Jit and Grünbühel, Clemens M. | 2003 |
The Magnitude and Spatial Distribution of In-use Copper Stocks in Cape Town, South Africa | Journal Article | Van Beers and Graedel Van Beers, D and Graedel, TE | 2003 |
Predicting future emissions based on characteristics of stocks | Journal Article | van der Voet et al. van der Voet, Ester; Kleijn, René; Huele, Ruben; Ishikawa, Masanobu; Verkuijlen, Evert | 2002 |
Escalating trends in the urban metabolism of Hong Kong: 1971-1997 | Journal Article | Warren-Rhodes and Koenig Warren-Rhodes, Kimberley and Koenig, Albert | 2001 |
Social Metabolism and Labour in a Local Context: Changing Environmental Relations on Trinket Island | Journal Article | Singh et al. Singh, Simron Jit and Grünbühel, Clemens M. and Schandl, Heinz and Schulz, Niels | 2001 |
Dynamic substance flow analysis: the delaying mechanism of stocks, with the case of PVC in Sweden | Journal Article | Kleijn et al. Kleijn, René; Huele, Ruben; van der Voet, Ester | 2000 |
The metabolism of a city: the case of Hong Kong | Journal Article | Newcombe et al. Newcombe, Ken and Kalma, Jetse D and Aston, Alan R | 1978 |