Amount of harvested wood in Mikkeli

Statistics of Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE). Harvesting of wood in provinces/regional data. Data from South-Savo region has been downscaled to Mikkeli according to forest area in South-Savo/Mikkeli. Forest areas are taken from Corine Land Cover 2018, 25 ha dataset (shapefile).
- Forest area in South-Savo: 1,10 million hectares
- Forest area in Mikkeli: 0,24 million hectares

Units have been converted from 1000 m³ to t by using estimated density 0,85 t/m3 (tuoretiheys).

Original LUKE data:
Data from the state and forest industry companies have been combined.
Energy wood from heat and power plants has been compiled in 2008-2015 on the basis of use and in other years on the basis of harvest volumes.
Firewood for small houses has been statistics based on usage volumes.

Energy wood/ data of state and forest industrycompanies: The information has not been received, is too uncertain to present or is subject to confidentiality.

Available within this Dataset

Associated space










Date Quantity Material From To
582955.9999791826 t Wood Mikkeli
594626.0606606551 t Wood Mikkeli
96642.69001844441 t Wood Mikkeli
638753.4776124732 t Wood Mikkeli
626171.6934402606 t Wood Mikkeli
82602.14826104777 t Wood Mikkeli
670663.7997883746 t Wood Mikkeli
603378.6061717595 t Wood Mikkeli
113418.40224806119 t Wood Mikkeli
725549.5539309251 t Wood Mikkeli
657534.981521718 t Wood Mikkeli
115971.2280221333 t Wood Mikkeli
555786.6399551294 t Wood Mikkeli
593896.6818680632 t Wood Mikkeli
108130.40600176893 t Wood Mikkeli


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